Error Controls

Error Controls

Error detection and logging options.


1 . Error loggingError logging

Error logging

A log with debugging information can be kept for troubleshooting purposes.  

Check this box if you are having issues and would like to submit an error report.   You should check the box first and then allow the program to run awhile until the error occurs.   This log is essential for tracking down problems.  


If you are not having any issues you can   un-check this box and performance will be improved slightly.   However it might be better to disable 'FileProc Logging' or enable 'NO pid in processlog' (located under the advanced tab).

The error (debug) log is stored in the Smarterm 'Sessions' folder or in Windows 7 the 'OlMonitor' folder in Public.

You can locate the log from the main window.


2 . Verbose loggingVerbose logging

Verbose logging

Verbose logging will log the actions of the program at just about every possible point.

In some situations this may be useful if Ol Monitor is freezing and has to be closed using Task manager, we would have a log of everything it did up until that point.

It should be disabled otherwise.

3 . FileProc loggingFileProc logging

FileProc logging

Ol Monitor logs every record it processes from the Overdue Log.

This is useful data for working any problems with data not showing up, showing up in the wrong field, or tests not showing up at all.

This option is almost identical to the 'No PID in processlog' option under the Advanced tab.

You should disable FileProc logging to improve performance if you have very large logfiles (>500Kb), an older, slow computer, or simply if OL Monitor appears to be lagging when refreshing.

*(Versions 1.89k and higher: OlMonitor will turn off FileProc logging temporarily during log processing when it detects a very large OL log)

4 . Auto ftp error logsAuto ftp error logs

Auto ftp error logs

Check here if you would like to have the program attempt to automatically ftp the problem report to

The problem report can only be initiated by the user.   After files are automatically gathered the auto ftp will attempt to send the files to server.  

The attempt often fails however since ftp may be blocked by most site's firewalls.


*Sunquest/CPL versions of Ol Monitor only.

HMS version does not utilize Smarterm.


5 . Test modeTest mode

Test mode

This option is enabled by default in new installations to allow new users to demo the software.

In normal operation you should leave this option un-checked unless you are testing out some new settings, filters, etc.  

In test mode the program only analyzes existing test logs and does not attempt to pull new logs.  

In newer versions, a sample logfile with dummy information is included in the OlMonitor.   Although the logfile is not updated, the time is artificially incremented rather quickly so that you can test your turn-around-times and filters that have a time condition.   IE: The dummy tests will appear to get progressively older with each refresh.


6 . Detect runaway logsDetect runaway logs

Detect runaway logs

At least one site was having problems with 'runaway logs' - a outstanding log that for some reason would print only one patient per page, resulting in a huge file that was also missing about half the information.   The program can detect and compensate for this intermittent problem if necessary.

If on the other hand your system normally has a lot of tests on the Overdue Log, you should disable this option.


If OlMonitor is having intermittent problems with not updating for long periods of time, then working fine for the next few rounds, etc, you might want to check for the runaway log issue.   Click on Help-Locate OlProcessLog and look for files named 'Test.tx1, Test.tx2, etc...'   These are the captured logfiles.   Normal filesize is 200kb - 700kb.   Some sites with a large amount of data have files >1000kb.   If the size of the Test.tx files seems to vary, such as several 300kb and then one or two being 1200kb, you may have the runaway log problem.


*Sunquest versions of Ol Monitor only.

CPL/HMS does not have the runaway log problem.


7 . Cutoff for runawaysCutoff for runaways

Cutoff for runaways

If the logfile exceeds 650 kilobytes or so it is probably a 'runaway logfile'.   This box allows you to tweak this cutoff if necessary.

(Some sites have a lot of tests and can routinely run >1000kb logfiles)


*Sunquest versions of Ol Monitor only.

CPL/HMS does not have the runaway log problem.



8 . Log file linecount.Log file linecount.

Log file linecount.

At some point Sunquest changed the number of lines in the outstanding log from 66 to 67.   The program will let you know if this number is not correct.

The Log file linecount is useful for verifying the integrity of the log capture in most instances... At some sites however the linecount is inconsistent, especially with long logfiles.   So if the program detects an invalid linecount it will prompt you about whether to ignore the linecount in the future.


*Sunquest versions of Ol Monitor only.

CPL/HMS does not have this.



9 . Ignore linecountIgnore linecount

Ignore linecount

Ver 1.42 and above.   Although the linecount is usually a surefire way to know if the captured logfile is complete, some sites get captured logs that are off by a few lines, especially if you typically have larger logs.   If you get linecount errors but the data seems to be ok, you can check this option to stop the errors.


*Sunquest versions of Ol Monitor only.

CPL/HMS does not have this.


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