Filter definition

Filter definition

Here is where you set the criteria for the filter to match on.   Any field can be used, all logical operators can be utilized, and as you can see the filter can be made very complex and specific if necessary.

Ver 1.58 and above: Unlimited filter definition is now possible.


1 . FieldField


Choose the field to filter on. Test, priority, location, etc.


2 . OperatorOperator


Equal to, not equal to, greater or less than, or contains.

= : will match if the field matches the text you enter

<> : will match if the field is not equal to the text you enter

> : < : greater or less than - will match if greater or less than the text or number you enter

contains : will match if the field contains the text you enter. IE. A test named "ARUP Oxycontin Q" will match if you entered "ARUP" or "Oxy" in your filter definition here.

Added in version 1.90c: NOTCONTAINS: this can be useful depending on your logic.   See filter examples for an idea of what it could be used for.


3 . StringString


This is the text to match for filtering.  

So for example if you wanted to filter out MDIFF's enter "MDIFF" here.   Then you would select the field "Test", Operator "=", and at the bottom filter type "Exclude".


4 . And/Or/End/UnlessAnd/Or/End/Unless


If you click END the filter will end here.

Clicking any of the other operators will open up a new set of boxes.

So using the AND operator you can require multiple criteria match.

Using the OR operator a match can occur with either criteria.

The unless operator gives you a chance to still exclude or include a test if some other criteria matches.

So for example if your goal is to only see stat tests from ER you would create an inclusive filter and connect the criteria 'ER' and 'S' with the 'And' operator.

If you want to filter out a bunch of tests you don't care to see, you would create an exclusive filter and connect a long list of testnames with the 'Or' operator.

Filters can be complex and you can use any variety of operators and fields.   The logic is not checked though and it's possible to create a filter that doesn't work they way you intended.   See the filter example for an explanation.   If you need help designing filters feel free to contact me.



5 . Result of this filterResult of this filter

Result of this filter

So in the example above it is an inclusive type filter.   We want to see Stats but also any tests from OR1 or OR2.   Also we're trying to get heart certification so we want to see all CARDiacs.   We've connected all these qualifiers with 'Or' operators so that if any of the conditions are met the test will get included (filtered-in).

More example of filters are on This page.


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