

Sort listbox


1 . Sort ListboxSort Listbox

Sort Listbox

This is a list of existing sorts.

In the top box you can type the name of your new sort or rename the currently selected sort.


2 . Move Up/DownMove Up/Down

Move Up/Down

To acheive the right order of sort it may be necessary to move a sort up or down.   This is especially true if you are using a mix of quick and grouping sorts.

The LAST sort takes precedence over the previous sorts.   This is because the sorts are processed in order from top to bottom, thus the bottom sort gets the 'last word'.  

Having more than a couple of 'simple' sorts can produce confusing results, since every simple sort kind of 'messes up' the previous sorts.

Put the simple sorts at the top of the list, add the 'Grouping' sorts to the bottom.

Grouping sorts are great because they try to preserve the order of the previous sort, so if you have a sort defined to sort by time, the grouping sorts that follow will preserve that order if possible.

In this example you can see the TIME sort is a simple sort on Proc Time, and is at the top.   The STAT and RECEIVED sorts are grouping sorts.   The STAT sort will move all stats to the top of the list.   Then the RECEIVED sort will act last and move all R status tests to the top while preserving the previous STAT and TIME sorts.


3 . DescriptionDescription


An automatically generated description of the selected sort is displayed here.


4 . New ControlNew Control

New Control

Click this button to start defining a new sort.


5 . ModifyModify


Click here to modify the currently selected sort.


6 . RemoveRemove


Click to delete the currently selected sort.


7 . RenameRename


Click to rename the current sort.


8 . Disable Column-Click sortDisable Column-Click sort

Disable Column-Click sort

While in the main window, it is possible to click the column headers to sort on that column.   When you do that click sort it will override the saved sorts until the program is restarted.

If this is a nuisance and techs are accidentally clicking the column headers you can disable that behavior.

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