Export Options window

Export Options window

When you click export options this window pops up.

Browse to the location where you want to store your backup file.

Type in a filename.

The filename should end with '.reg' if your settings location is 'Current user' or 'All users'

The filename should end with '.ini' if your settings location is 'ini file'.

Click 'Open' to save the file (Unfortunately I cannot change the 'Open' button to say something more logical like 'Save').


Detailed tutorial on backing up settings: Step 3: Two ways to backup


1 . File NameFile Name

File Name

End your filename with '.reg' if you are currently using the registry to save settings to,

EX: "MyBackup.reg"

or end with '.ini' if you are using the ini file to save settings.

EX: "MyBack.ini"

Trying to save your ini file settings to a reg file or vice versa will not work here.

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