TAT Listboxes

TAT Listboxes

The Turn-around-times define actions to take place when a test or group of tests exceed a time limit.


1 . TAT ListTAT List

TAT List

The key to organizing turn-around times is to group them by the time itself.   This approach is also makes log processing faster.


2 . Move up/down arrowMove up/down arrow

Move up/down arrow

Moves the selected TAT up or down on the list.

3 . Adding a TATAdding a TAT

Adding a TAT

To add a turn-around-time simply type in a time and click add.   This will enable the other controls.


4 . Associated testsAssociated tests

Associated tests

You can define specific tests for the turn-around-time.

*To have a general tat time that applies to all tests, enter an asterisk (*) in this box and click add.   If you enter an asterisk in the tests list you do not need to type any other testnames in the list.


5 . Restrict to priority/locationRestrict to priority/location

Restrict to priority/location

You can also further limit the TAT to certain priority/location codes.  

In the example here only 'T' and 'S' priorities in locations 'SER' and 'ER2' will be checked.

These options are optional, you don't have to specify priorities and locations for each TAT.


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